At St Andrew's, we rely on God to guide the mission directions of the church. To support these mission objectives, financial resources are needed for ministry and outreach to the community. These resources primarily come from the generous giving of members of the congregation. Other sources of income include fundraising and donations from external Users of St Andrew's Halls and Facilities.
As part of their personal commitment to the mission of God in the Hawkesbury, church members are encouraged to give regularly, cheerfully and sacrificially. Everyone is invited to consider giving, either by way of Cash Offerings, or through the use of weekly Offering Envelopes, or by Giving Direct. The amount of a person's or a family's financial offering is a private decision between the Giver and God and never shared with others in the church.
Cash Offerings
An Offering may be made by Cash or Cheque via the Offering Bags during any Worship Service.
Weekly Offering Envelopes
If you would like a pack of weekly Offering Envelopes for your family or personal use, please contact the St Andrew's Treasurer. The envelopes are useful to enclose and make your Offering (cash or cheque) during any Worship Service.
GIVING DIRECT: Option 1 - Direct Credit Facility
Giving Direct is a method for regular transfer of an amount specified by you from your bank account to St Andrew's Church Giving Direct Account.
To set this up as a debit facility from your Bank Account, contact your bank or you may choose to set it up yourself, using your electronic banking. This can be established as a weekly, fortnightly or monthly transaction and under your direct control to amend, or cancel at any time.
The Source (Debit) account is your personal specified Bank Account.
The Destination (Credit) account needs to be the following BSB and Account Number:
BSB: 634 634 A/C: 100025918 UCA Giving Direct
GIVING DIRECT: Option 2 - Direct Debit Facility
If you would like to set up Giving Direct which is a Direct Debit arrangement initiated by the Uniting Church Investment Fund, rather than your bank, use the specified form.
Click here to Download the Form. Print/complete the form with your personal banking details.
Please note the destination (Credit) account details to be filled into STEP 4 of the Form are:
Investment Number: 100025918 Investment Name: Richmond UC - Giving Direct
Please mail to the address specified on the form.
You may change the amount or frequency at any time by contacting Uniting Financial Services.
Please contact the St Andrew's Treasurer for further information or assistance.
Funds for the Needy
On the first Sunday of every month, upon entering the church people are offered an envelope. This is available to place a voluntary "over and above" offering for funds for the Needy. This money is allocated to cover costs associated with supporting needy individuals or families.
It is also used to stock St Andrew's pantry for the needy, purchase Grocery Vouchers and frozen meal ingredients. Sometimes, these donations also go towards providing overnight emergency housing or accommodation and travel support for a homeless person.
Thank you for giving generously. May you be blessed as you give to God's work.